What kind of diseases can you get from pests?

Pest control is still of paramount importance. We need to focus on a living space that has no chance of passing on any unpleasant illnesses. Sadly pests carry more than their fair share. It is a good idea to remove them straight away if they start to infest your home. Historically we know of several times that pests have carried serious disease. One of the most well known is the Black Death. If you have an issue then a Pest Control Essex company like https://www.bpcpestcontrol.co.uk/ can be there for you. Which pest’s pass things on and what?

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Nits and fleas seem to have been the main reason for the black death. Fleas and Ticks are blood suckers, not to put too fine a point on it. They also transfer Lyme disease. Whilst not as bad as the bubonic plague it can cause nasty skin rashes and, in extreme cases, paralysis. Luckily the discovery of antibiotics has meant we can treat it quickly.

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Mosquitoes. This tiny insect is responsible for more illness and death in humans than any other animal or insect on the planet. It passes on malaria and dengue fever, to name but two (there are a lot more). The addition of a mosquito net is one of the best things that you can do to ensure this nasty pest does not cause you any issues. If you think that you are infected by a pests bite then you should seek medical attention immediately..

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