Top Tips for Looking After Your Lawn

Gardens require a lot of maintenance, and grass especially can be quite costly if it has to be replaced. There are many simple ways of keeping your garden, and specifically your lawn, healthy so read on to find out some top tips.

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  1. The first tip is to remove weeds, as their roots can block vital air and nutrients from getting to other plants you actually want to grow. Seeds from weeds can spread very easily and can be brought into your garden via a number of ways. The best way to remove weeds is by hand, making sure not to just break them, but to also remove the roots to prevent them from growing back or spreading. You could also use a low-toxicity herbicide but be careful when using these around veg patches as you don’t want the chemicals to be in your food.
  2. Another tip for maintaining your lawn is to improve its drainage. Poor drainage can cause lawns to become waterlogged and consequently damaged. In order to improve drainage, you can consider changing the nature of soil to be more permeable, meaning it would consist of less clay than sand. Moreover, the shape of your garden should keep water away from your house so be cautious of any dips that could collect water in your garden.

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  1. Lastly, mowing is the common way to keep your lawn from overgrowing. It is actually best to only cut 1/3 of the grass’ length but it depends on the season and weather conditions. During the summer the grass grows quicker due to increase in sunlight but be careful mowing when the soil or grass is wet. You can maintain the borders and edges using edging shears and other tools. I recommend Mountfield Parts when looking for electric tools such as hedge trimmers, and mowers. Visit to buy what you need.
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