Short back and sides and some surgery?

Have you ever wondered what the striped red and white pole is for outside a barber shop? It doesn’t happen so much in our modern times but some still do it to keep up with the tradition.  The modern boutique Hairdresser Bridgend based artists like those in the link don’t do it and with good reason. So why is there a pole and what does it mean?

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Hairdressing and cutting has been a feature of good public health since Roman times. Our Roman ancestors were very keen on short hair as it was easier to clean and separated themselves from the barbarian Celts and Germanic tribes that liked to grow and plait theirs. Roman women favoured wigs and a bit of growth. Come the end of the Roman empire and this went out the window along with sewers and aqueducts.

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Come the end of the middle ages the fashion for short hair was coming back. However the barber was not only known for his snipping and shortening of locks. He was also responsible for the shortening of arms and legs as well. Without the antibiotics and proper medicine care the only option was to remove things before the infection spread. The pole was to illustrate the bandages (and other unpleasant things) that were used to try and fix things up afterwards. Luckily modern hairdressers, like those above, are more set up  to make you look fabulous!

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