Eating Well for the Planet

One of the problems that we are facing as a planet is of course the climate crisis. With scientists warning about the effects of climate change and the fact that we are already seeing the devastating weather conditions caused by climate change with alarming frequency, it is time that urgent changes were made to how we live.

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A few ways to take better care of our planet include recycling  – as well as at home, businesses can also ensure that they recycle with the help of a commercial recycling company like Printwaste. We can also start to think about using greener energy – both in our homes, and our cars.

Another great way to reduce your carbon footprint is to have a diet that is better for the environment – here are a few ways that you can do that…

Try to eat whatever is in season – food that is grown locally and hasn’t been imported from abroad not only has a lower carbon footprint, but you will also be helping your local businesses by buying locally from a greengrocer.

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Reduce your meat consumption – meat is much worse for the planet as the environmental impact of farming for meat is high – cattle consume vast amounts and forests are cleared to make way for fields of livestock.

Go for food with less or no packaging – food packaging is extremely damaging to the environment and is unnecessary in a lot of cases, so when you are shopping, go for food which has no packaging or check that you can recycle if it does have some.

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