Assessing Health and Safety in the Workplace

In all workplaces there is an element of risk, just as there is outside of work – however, staff should not be feeling unsafe in the job that they do, and it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that a job is able to be done safely without putting an employee in any unnecessary risk.

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Of course, some jobs are higher risk than others, but all jobs should be assessed for safety to ensure that the work can be done with as little risk as possible – a health and safety manager should carry out risk assessments to and then ensure that this is communicated to staff so that they are aware of the safest working procedures.

Another thing that helps to keep people safe at work is utilising training like these emergency first aid training courses as this way you will have staff who are trained and aware of what to do in a medical emergency or in the event of an accident.

When the health and safety manager does a risk assessment, they will speak to staff about health and safety concerns that they might have, as well as watching the job being done so that they will be able to spot where things could be done differently to make them safer.

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Once this has been done, other measures can be put in place, such as changing the way that the job is done to make it safer, as well as making sure that all of the adequate protective kit is available if necessary.

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