Beer brewing options for you to try

Have you longed to try brewing your own beer at home but are at a loss as where to start? Well, it is actually quite simple and with the availability of home brewing kits you can be set up and make your own beer in no time. After getting to grips with the basics you can even start developing your own flavours and might want to take a look at Foodie Flavours who offer an incredible range of flavourings for alcohol drinks and food recipes such as Organic Vanilla Extract.

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There are a number of ways in which you can brew beer and the method that you use will depend very much on your budget and whether you intend on expanding your home brewing into a cottage style industry where you can make, bottle and sell the products that you make.

  • Starter kits – this is probably the best way to start brewing your own beer as you can find kits that contain virtually everything you need. The kits will contain all of the ingredients such as the hops, malt and yeast and even the instructions on how to brew your beer.

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  • Malt extract brewing – this is a popular method for those who are looking to develop their recipes and look to using additional flavourings like the one mentioned earlier as well as experiment with different malts and hops to change the flavour of the beers.
  • All grain brewing – whilst not for the beginner this is a relatively simple method that sees all the sugars that you need to create your beer coming from all grains rather than simply the malt extract.
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