Why Is Proper Drainage Important?

There’s a lot of workmanship that goes into good landscaping design; a lot of the landscaping process is spent with the intention of checking for proper drainage. Bad drainage can create serious drainage issues, not just in your landscape design but also in your home. It is important to understand why proper drainage is so important.

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Water is one of the most important components of any landscape, water can make or break your landscape design. When water runs off a property it usually takes some sort of exit route and drains to the lowest point possible, normally this happens via a series of drains known as downspouts, these drains carry excess water away from the property and down to a lower level where it can evaporate. These same types of downspouts drain water back into the soil, and if there isn’t enough of it, eventually you will get a saturated area where the water has nowhere to go. This will result in pools of stagnant water which can encourage mosquitoes and other insects to breed in that wet area. For help with drainage, consider CCTV Surveys Cheltenham from Drainawayenviro

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So why is proper drainage important? This is especially true if you have a low-lying area like your garden, you want as much water draining as possible to avoid pools of stagnant water, especially around your foundations. If you have a large amount of foliage growing up the side of your house, you may find that the water from the roof seeps into these lower areas and stagnates there. There are many drainage systems out there that can solve the problems of improper slopes and location of your drains.

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