What Diseases Can Affect Beech Trees?

In most parts of the world, you would find Beech trees in the places with a lot of snow because they are cool and don’t get damaged by the cold weather. However, what if you are in a place with temperate weather we do.  Then, the next question that comes to your mind is what diseases can affect Beech trees? Well, one of the worst diseases that can affect this tree is Drought. If you live in a place where there’s less rain, then you better protect the Beech trees if you want them to produce fine foliage. Any issues contact Geoffrey Urch a Tree Surgeon Gloucester based operation.

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Another tree diseases that can attack the Beech trees are leaf blight and fungal disease. These two are the easiest to control as they are contagious. The first thing you need to do is to have a good fungicide spray on hand in order to cure the diseases. The next step is to make sure that the leaves are checked for blights from time to time so that they don’t attract fungi.

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The third type of diseases that can affect the Beech trees are insects. We always hear of termites and their bad effects on our trees, but what about insects? If you have a lot of insects around your home, then it may not be a good sign if you have Beech trees nearby because they can get into your trees and eat their healthy cells. You have to make sure that you remove those insects every because otherwise, they can cause disease.

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