Should I Be Worried About Vaginal Discharge?

Should I be worried about vaginal discharge? Well there are a few things that you need to know. It is normal for women to have this discharge but there may be some things that you need to check into. This discharge may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or burning. Discharge on its own is not normally a cause for concern but with other symptoms or a bad smell, it might be worth consulting with your GP. For help from Greenwich Home STI kits, contact Greenwich Sexual Health, suppliers of the Greenwich Home STI kits.

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It is important that you check into this issue because it could be an indication that may affect you in the future even if your symptoms are mild now. You should be able to tell if the vaginal discharge is coming from the vagina or not but if in doubt, see your doctor.

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Other signs include itching or burning around the vaginal area. You may also notice that it doesn’t go away. If the vaginal discharge is longer and is accompanied by pain after sex, bleeding or discomfort, it could be the sign of an infection that will require treatment. Many types of discharge are very common, so don’t be worried. Just make sure to go to get tested for STIs if you are sexually active and/or have recently started having sex with a new partner, for example.

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