Driving defensively on the roads

When driving, you must take every precaution in order to prevent accidents taking place. Although you do not have control over other drivers and their actions, you can control your vehicle and how you drive.

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Defensive driving is the best way to protect yourself on the road by anticipating potentially dangerous situations ahead and adapting quickly to them. Here are the best six defensive driving techniques to adapt to the road.

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  1. Stay focused and alert

The key to safely driving on the roads is to stay focused. Ensure you have an alert and clear mind and keep your eyes on the road.

Driver error and delayed reaction is the biggest cause of road accidents, so it is vital you pay attention to the road ahead.

  1. Anticipate that others will make mistakes

When driving, you are extremely susceptible to the behaviour and actions of others.

To reduce the likelihood of being involved in an accident, anticipate that others will make mistakes on the road, and prepare to react.

  1. Always use your signals

Ensure that when you are driving, you always make yourself visible. For example, ensure your headlights are switched on before it gets dark, that your brake lights work and that you use your indicators appropriately.

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  1. Decrease the distractions

When behind the wheel, you must try and avoid all forms of distractions such as looking at your passengers, adjusting the radio or texting. If you must adjust something while driving, pull over safely in order to avoid becoming distracted.

  1. Maintain safe distances

By allowing plenty of room between your car and vehicles around you, you are ensuring that you have enough room to adjust your driving. Following vehicles too closely could place you in an unsafe situation, by maintaining safe distances you will avoid potential accidents.

  1. Adapt to the conditions of the road ahead

As the conditions change, so must your driving, whether you come across rain or construction work, you should adapt your driving to cope with the conditions on the road ahead. These conditions may force you to slow down, however, if you ensure you remain focused on the road, your instant reactions will mean you react appropriately.

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